Investment leadership

Investment leadership. A question of talent not size.

Size has never been a reliable indicator of quality or expertise

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Video: Pictet Partners and top managers give their views on investment leadership.

Throughout Pictet’s 220-year history we have focused on organic growth and building responsible partnerships with our clients, the companies in which we invest and the people that choose to work for Pictet. This fosters an environment that allows talented individuals and teams to make long-term investment decisions in the best interests of the clients we serve. As an investment-led firm with a desire to keep innovating, we aim to attract people who stand out not just for their skills and abilities, but also for their independent thinking and adaptability to changing circumstances. This results in investment teams that prefer debate to consensus and humility to complacency. They follow a finely tuned process of gathering and analysing information, taking decisions and disciplined execution, always with the goal of achieving investment leadership.

We match opportunity with talent. This is how we’ve remained entrepreneurial for more than two centuries.
— Marc Pictet, Senior Managing Partner of the Pictet Group

Megatrending 2025

Discover the forces shaping our world in our latest Megatrending report. Delve into cutting-edge insights from leading experts on the trends that will define the future. By understanding structural trends in both public and private markets, we tailor our investment capabilities to meet diverse needs. Megatrending 2025 delves into key themes across three major sections: society, environment and technology.

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