Pictet Group
Investment leadership. A question of talent not size.
Size has never been a reliable indicator of quality or expertise.
Throughout Pictet’s 219-year history we have focused on organic growth and building responsible partnerships with our clients, the companies in which we invest and the people that choose to work for Pictet. This fosters an environment that allows talented individuals and teams to make long-term investment decisions in the best interests of the clients we serve. As an investment-led firm with a desire to keep innovating, we aim to attract people who stand out not just for their skills and abilities, but also for their independent thinking and adaptability to changing circumstances. This results in investment teams that prefer debate to consensus and humility to complacency. They follow a finely tuned process of gathering and analysing information, taking decisions and disciplined execution, always with the goal of achieving investment leadership.
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Our Megatrending - Opportunities Ahead study
Pictet’s ‘Megatrending - Opportunities Ahead’ study reminds us of the value of turning megatrends into investment ideas. That way investors benefit and long-term commercial endeavours that have the potential to positively advance society are supported with the capital they need to develop.