Responsible employer
Our independence has enabled us to invest and expand our business with the long term in mind. It also allows us to pursue a unique approach to recruiting and managing people.
Helping all employees thrive
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Our corporate values of long-term thinking and responsibility naturally lead to a culture of collaboration and partnership. We are committed to making diversity, equity and inclusion an integral part of this culture by taking every step to encourage greater diversity in the workplace, creating fair and equitable policies and fostering an environment that allows all individuals to thrive.
More on Diversity, equity and inclusion
Flexible and modern ways of working
As a responsible and supportive employer, we offer all employees various flexible working arrangements. These include flexible hours, annualised part-time or unpaid leave, and parental leave. In addition, we support the well-being and creativity of our employees through working-from-home arrangements, reflecting the evolution of our working environment.
Health and well-being
The health and well-being of our employees are at the heart of our priorities. We take care of our employees’ physical and mental health through online platforms, external partnerships and by offering a broad and healthy selection of food in our staff restaurants. Our restaurants also favour sustainable supply chains, support local farmers and strive for near-zero food waste. We organise regular workshops and awareness campaigns to protect our employees’ integrity and ensure that they are treated in a positive way and feel valued and enabled. Dedicated helplines are available so that staff members can ask internal and/or external specialists questions and discuss their emotional well-being.
Building employee awareness and fostering actions
To support our environmental efforts, we organise internal events like “Sustainability Week”, which was launched in 2016 with the aim of influencing employees and raising their awareness in order to foster sustainability. Employees around the world are able to listen to talks given by internal and external sustainability experts. There have been more than 20 talks so far, with experts such as Peter Bakker, CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Employees can also learn about local flora and fauna, take part in e-bike excursions and visit the installations used to reduce Pictet’s carbon footprint and generate our own clean energy.
Volunteering programme for employees
Through this programme, our employees can become involved in social or environmental projects. Two hundred employees worldwide gave of their time to help the community in 2019. The activities include lake cleaning, coaching for young students or mentoring unemployed people.
Blood doning and charitable actions
Blood donations save lives, but only 2.5% of the Swiss population give blood regularly. Pictet has therefore been encouraging its employees to do so since 2007. In 2019, 454 blood donations were collected. Every year we also ask our employees to donate food and other items to the less fortunate. These donations are then matched by a donation from the Pictet Group Foundation.
Meet our employees across the world
Developing collective intelligence
Three beehives and 50,000 bees
In April 2018, Pictet employees installed three beehives on the roof of the Geneva headquarters. This also coincided with the launch of the Beekeeping Club, which is 100% managed by Pictet employees. More than thirty Pictet employees look after the hives and learn the basics of beekeeping. By promoting this initiative, we raise staff awareness of the threats to biodiversity.