Pictet Group
Latest Trends Insights
Anything can happen. And it usually does.
If you want to stay one step ahead of world events, you must know as much as you can. Pictet has been analysing megatrends for more than 200 years, and it’s more important now than ever to have command of both the detail and the broad sweep.
Responsible Future
¿Puede la energía nuclear por láser iluminar el futuro?
Creando alternativas sostenibles al embalaje no reciclable impulsadas por la IA
Las ciudades marcan la pauta en la resiliencia frente al cambio climático
Decarbonising the built environment
Deploying battery-powered renewable energy
Creating sustainable water and energy solutions
Humanising the fashion supply chain
Transforming the world’s water usage
Family Business
Antoine Roland-Billecart ― El éxito de la madurez
Jacques de Saussure y Sven Holstenson - Una asociación basada en el respeto, la humildad y la priorización del cliente
Alfredo De Massis ― A la innovación por la tradición
Jan Ryde ― Obtener beneficios del descanso
Olivier Audemars and Ilaria Resta ― Adelantados a su tiempo
Planificación de la sucesión: abordar cuestiones fundamentales para proteger un legado
Philippe d’Ornano ― Maintaining growth and success across generations
Robert Buchbauer - Insights and lessons from a broad and varied business career
El arte de la simplicidad
Virgilio Martínez and Pía León ― Alta cocina
Reciclado y reacondicionamiento de equipos electrónicos para una economía circular
Aplicando la circularidad a la edificación
Ryuichiro Masuda ― Onwards and upwards
Boosting sustainability startups in Asia
El legado familiar: mantener vivo el espíritu emprendedor
Tony Beltramelli - Utilizar la IA como disruptor en el diseño de productos digitales
Technology & science
Democratising education: Closing the knowledge gap
Exploring the role of AI in philanthropy
Harnessing wind power with rotor sails
Beyond success: entrepreneurship, technology, and the evolution of clothing
The deepfake detectors
The AI Tipping Point | Film
As Artificial Intelligence comes of age, it’s time to unearth its promise
Terapia génica: corregir los errores de la naturaleza
Navigating Asia
Innovative Infrastructure for a Net Zero future
Why companies are increasingly focusing on a more purpose-driven approach
Anchoring your philanthropic efforts in Asia
From tradition to modernity―Eight ways that Asian philanthropy is evolving
‘A force to be reckoned with’: What the next decade has in store for Asian economies
Peggy Choi on building a business that ‘powers the new knowledge economy’
How a simple campaign grew into a plant-based powerhouse
The rise of Asia’s next generation
Renewable natural gas: turning trash into low-carbon energy
Resiliencia y regeneración
Curbing the tide of coral degradation
Emergencia climática: una mirada más cercana a los riesgos de la transición al cero neto
Pioneering sustainable solutions in waste management
Cierre del ciclo del reciclaje textil
Don't underestimate the energy transition
Climate Anxiety | Podcast