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1. 股票相对于公司债券的超额回报将显著下降


— 瑞士百达资产管理首席策略师卢伯乐(Luca Paolini)

2. 各地区和国家股市之间的回报差异将缩小


3. 美元将呈现稳步贬值趋势




1. 科技:数智创新引领未来

  • 科技行业在全球企业收入中的占比将继续上升;
  • 半导体日益成为整个经济的创新引擎,推动生产率增长;
  • 人工智能的发展将加速资本支出周期;
  • 涨势将扩大到其他直接推动人工智能技术的企业,如其他半导体制造商、云基础设施提供商、服务器和网络提供商、安全软件制造商等。

2. 医疗保健:人口变迁及科技融合推动增长

  • 过去二十年中,医疗保健设备和服务一直是全球收入增长最强劲的行业,年增长率超过9%;
  • 两大结构性趋势将推动行业发展:人口结构变化和技术创新,尤其是研究重点向生物制剂和人工智能领域转移。

3. 工业:自动化浪潮势不可挡

  • 人口结构变化导致的技术工人短缺加剧,对自动化和机器人的需求将增加;
  • 脱碳、人工智能、地缘政治、大规模政府投资计划等多个大趋势推动行业发展;
  • 机器人及机器人系统、采矿设备、资本货物的制造商以及助力电网基础设施的企业有望成为赢家。



1. 股票市场:预计未来五年MSCI世界指数以本地货币计算的年回报率约为7%

  • 未来五年,全球股市估值仍将高于平均水平,企业利润也将保持稳健;
  • 相比其他发达市场股市,美股上涨空间有限,美股在全球股票市场的领先地位将开始减弱;
  • 投资者应考虑基于行业的资产配置方法,例如重点布局科技、医疗保健和工业等领域。

2. 固定收益:债券市场是一个更具吸引力的长期投资标的

  • 债券将是未来五年的首选资产,可能提供比股票更有利的风险调整后回报;
  • 信用利差已收窄至本轮货币周期以来的最低水平,且不太可能进一步扩大,为进入信贷市场创造了非常有利的时机;
  • 随着主要经济体利率见顶,借款人的市场准入应继续改善,为提前再融资创造机会;
  • 高收益债券价格可能上涨至面值,特别是在短期市场中。

3. 另类投资:提高其在投资组合中的配置比例,有助于获取公共市场难以提供的分散化收益

  • 从诸多方面来看,私募信贷都是一种颇具吸引力的投资。私募债务基金所提供的浮动利率有助于提高收益并缩短投资组合的久期。鉴于短期政策利率高企,且利差相较公共信贷更为宽泛,当下私募信贷所提供的收益率与历史平均股票回报率不相上下。我们看好私募信贷市场前景,由于其受益于不断增长的私募资本生态系统;此外,私募股权支持可降低私募信贷借款人的违约风险;
  • 工业金属,尤其是向净零转型所需的金属,预计具有最大的上涨潜力;
  • 绿色转型进程刚起步,地缘政治因素正推动大宗商品密集型供应链的异地复制,同时供应受限,可能带来投资机会。


*Simulated data and projected forecast figures presented in in the Appendix are figures that are hypothetical, unaudited and prepared by Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA. The results are intended for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. Projected future performance is not indi­cative of actual returns and there is a risk of substantial loss. Hypo­thetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which, but not all, are described herein. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown herein. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. The hypothetical performance results contained herein represent the application of the quantitative models as currently in effect on the date first written above, and there can be no assurance that the models will remain the same in the future or that an application of the current models in the future will produce similar results because the relevant market and economic conditions that prevailed during the hypothetical performance period will not necessarily recur. There are numerous other factors related to the markets which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, all of which can adversely affect actual performance results. Hypothetical performance results are presented for illustrative purposes only. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect management or trading fees, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index. There is no guarantee, express or implied, that long-term return and/or volatility targets will be achieved. Realised returns and/or volatility may come in higher or lower than expected. A full list of the assumptions made can be provided on request.
**Based on volatility matching portfolio, with global high yield added to risk allocation and with global investment grade added to risk-free allocation, while keeping notional risk allocation the same. For optimised portfolio, allocations are as follows: for 60/40, 47.2% equities, 12.8% HY, 40% IG; for 50/50, 34.3% equities, 15.7% IG, 50% HY; for 40/60, 21.4% equities, 18.6% HY, 60% IG; for 30/70, 8.5% equities, 21.5% HY, 70% IG. Benchmarks are MSCI ACWI, FTSE WDBI, ICE BofA Global HY, ICE BofA Global IG. Data covering period 01.05.2004-30.04.2024AboutPictet Asset Management's Strategy Unit (PSU)The PSU is composed of 23 of Pictet Asset Management’s most experienced multi asset and fixed income portfolio managers, economists, strategists and research analysts. The group is based across six locations globally. They are responsible for providing asset allocation guidance over short-term and long-term horizons across stocks, bonds, commodities and alternatives.
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