Pictet Overseas Inc.

Pictet Overseas Inc.

Legal information

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 606 of Regulation NMS






Historical reporting and additional information available upon request by email.

Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS) of Regulation Best Interest

Business Continuity Plan disclosure

Contact Pictet Overseas Inc. for further information

Pictet Overseas Inc.
Address 1000, de la Gauchetière West, Suite 3100
Montreal - Quebec H3B 4W5
Phone: 1-514-288-8161
Fax: 1-514-288-5472

Contact form

Financial information for Pictet Overseas Inc., including how the firm invests and holds customer funds, may be obtained from the National Futures Association at the following webpage (BASIC | NFA (

Additional financial information on all futures commission merchants is available from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission at the following webpage (Financial Data for FCMs | CFTC)

The updated version of the Investors Exchange Rule Book, may be obtained by downloading the following document.

Pictet Overseas Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC

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