General fees and charges

Physical deposits of precious metals and securities

  • Surcharge of 0.25%

Fees for transfer of securities:

  • USD 100 for all positions, except:
  • USD 400 for Spanish positions
  • USD 50 and safekeeping fees on top for physical positions

Fees for cash transfers:

  • HKD/JPY: USD 10 (plus any additional charges that may apply to our client or the beneficiary
  • All other currencies: USD 25 (no additional charges)

Fees for issuing cheques:

  • USD 25 per cheque

Important notes and disclosures:The fees and charges set out herein were correct at the time of release but remain subject to change and to the General Business Conditions and the Private Banking Fee Schedule of Banque Pictet & Cie SA, Hong Kong Branch (“Pictet HK Branch”).All fees and charges quoted are exclusive of any applicable duties and/or taxes.Pictet HK Branch reserves the rights to impose other fees and charges in respect of the transactions or services set
out herein or any other related transactions or services. Additional fees may also be charged in respect of a transaction or service provided to you, depending on the market exchange of the relevant transaction or any correspondent bank charges applicable to the relevant service.If there are any changes to any of the fees or charges set out herein in respect of a transaction or a service, or a discount is offered to you at the discretion of Pictet HK Branch in relation to any fees and charges payable by you, your relationship manager will notify you accordingly.For Pictet HK Branch’s fees and charges
which are not mentioned herein, please refer to the Private Banking Fee Schedule and other applicable documents. For your own interest, please seek confirmation of the prevailing fees and charges related to the applicable transaction or service.

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