Private banking - Large wealth owners

Solutions for large wealth owners

Owners of significant fortunes face increasingly complex challenges in managing their wealth in all its forms. Whether you have a Family Office or not, our multi-jurisdictional and multidisciplinary team of experts can help you and your trusted advisors develop a comprehensive, integrated and more institutional approach to managing your family’s wealth.

Managing your family’s wealth

  • Building foundations

    Whether you are a business or investment owning family, a strategy is needed if family wealth is to be protected and enhanced from generation to generation. We can advise on creating a family governance model to protect your family, wealth, business and ownership interests over the long term. Our team can also assist with structuring your philanthropic activities. Creating charitable foundations, defining your objectives, managing them effectively and involving the next generation can be a source of great satisfaction for wealthy families.

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  • Investments made to measure

    Our investment specialists can help you to establish a strategic asset allocation which meets your objectives and risk preferences. We can also advise on selecting third-party managers, monitoring their performance and, if necessary, amending the strategy with you.

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  • From complexity to simplicity

    We offer dedicated solutions for large wealth owners, allowing them to build an operational set-up that matches their needs. From custody of assets (global custody or ex-custody solutions, tailored reporting, digital access) to trading (direct access to the trading desk), we can provide dedicated solutions to help you control your wealth within a tailor-made operational platform.

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