Calamanda Grifoll

Calamanda Grifoll


General Manager Catalonia
電話 + 34 93 355 33 00
Pictet & Cie (Europe) SA
Sucursal en España
Avenida Diagonal, 477 12º D
08036 Barcelona



關於 Calamanda Grifoll

Calamanda Grifoll is responsible for the Catalunian market. Before joining Pictet, she was Managing Director of Citigroup Private Bank in Catalonia, where she worked for ten years. Previously, between 1984 and 1997, she worked for Citibank, where her positions included that of Vice-President of Citigroup Institutional and Corporate Bank for Catalonia. She began her career as a credit analyst with the New York branch of Banco Urquijo.

Calamanda has a degree in Business Administration & Management and a Master's degree in International Finance from the Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ESADE) in Barcelona, with a specialism in International Business from the New York Graduate School of Business Administration (NYU) and in Marketing from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Paris.

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