Alessandra Losito

Alessandra Losito


Head of Pictet Wealth Management Italy
電話 +39 06 853 71 21
Pictet & Cie (Europe) SA
Succursale italiana
Via Po 7/A
00198 Roma


關於 Alessandra Losito

Alessandra Losito is the Head of Pictet Wealth Management Italy.

She holds a degree in Business Administration from University Federico II and a Master’s in Economics and Finance and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). She began her career in the finance sector with PwC before moving first to the Italian Stock Exchange and then to Citi Private Bank. In 2005 she joined Pictet Wealth Management and went on to become Head of the Rome office in 2017 and Head of the Milan office in 2019. She also sits on the Bank’s Italian board.

Alessandra and her team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about Pictet’s w ealth management services.

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