Brave New World: How Can We Adapt to a Rewilding Planet?

For centuries, humans have manipulated the natural world to meet our needs, gradually gaining control over the biosphere to support the growth and prosperity of our civilizations.

However, society is now becoming aware of the significant and potentially dire consequences of this remarkable progress.

In this podcast episode, entitled "Brave New World: How Can We Adapt to a Rewilding Planet?," we have the pleasure of hosting Jeremy Rifkin, a professor at the Wharton School, a New York Times bestselling author, and a global advisor to governments. Joining him is Marie-Laure Schaufelberger, the Head of ESG and Stewardship for the Pictet Group. Together, they will explore the concept of a transformation and its profound impact on our perception of existence, economy, and governance, as earth rewilds itself in our midst.

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