
Water sustains human life and is vital for socio-economic development. Adequate water, sanitation and hygiene improve health, empower communities – especially women and girls – and when managed sustainably, contribute to healthy ecosystems.

We support solutions that provide access to clean and affordable water and sanitation in parts of the world that lack basic infrastructure, with a strong focus on making a long-term impact through local engagement and education. On a broader level, we also support initiatives that address systemic change through stronger water policy and improved natural stewardship. A selection of our projects is profiled below.

  • 170,000
    People benefit from improved water and sanitation
  • 145
    WASH rehabilitation and construction projects

Improved access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in rural settings

Water For People, Guatemala

Water For People is a global non-profit organisation operating in nine countries across Africa, the Americas and Asia. It focuses on technical capacity for WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) services to communities, emphasising long-term improvements and making clean water a part of everyday lives.

Water For People prioritises community ownership of WASH facilities. Pak´ak Ja community in Santa Cruz del Quiché. ©Juan Brenner for the Pictet Group Foundation

Supported by the Pictet Group Foundation, Water For People has made a significant impact in Guatemala, specifically in the Quiché region, inhabited predominantly by indigenous Mayans. The organisation has equipped schools with bathrooms appropriately sized for children, installed handwashing stations in classrooms and launched an education programme stressing the importance of clean drinking water and sanitation, including the education of young girls on menstrual hygiene management.

Water For People adopts a district-centred approach to bring WASH services to local communities and collaborates with authorities to ensure political will, financing and prioritisation of the WASH sector. Its work is guided by the belief that access to clean water is a universal right, giving all individuals the ability to thrive.

Learn more about Water For People

People benefit from improved water, sanitation and hygiene

When we take care of water and infrastructure in communities, we take care of the generations to come.

— Marlén Scarleth Mayari Tobar Saquic, Preschool Teacher at Agua Caliente school, Guatemala

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor, Zambia

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) is a non-profit organization specializing in water and sanitation solutions for underserved urban communities in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. WSUP promotes innovative approaches to service delivery, leveraging technology and community engagement.

In Zambia, 40% of the population lacks access to basic drinking water. Without reliable sources, households can spend up to 20% of their monthly budget purchasing water from kiosks or neighbours. For those who collect water directly from rivers, the risks include animal attacks and waterborne illnesses such as cholera and typhoid.

Founded in 2005, WSUP aims to assist cities facing rapid growth in providing essential services such as access to clean water to low-income areas. The organization collaborates with local governments, service providers, and communities to build infrastructure and design services. Its goal is to ensure that these services are both sustainable and accessible to the poorest urban residents. To date, WSUP has improved water supply for almost 1 million people in Zambia.

Learn more about WSUP

People reached with improved access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene

Our project seeks to safeguard water resources and ensure sustainable access to clean water for Livingstone's low-income communities, partnering with the Southern Water Supply and Sanitation Company to enhance utility capacity and empower local consumers.

— Reuben Sipuma, Senior Country Manager, Zambia

Healthy rivers and ecosystems

WWF: Rivers of Food, Global

WWF is a global conservation organisation dedicated to building a sustainable future where people live in harmony with nature by reversing the loss of biodiversity and tackling the climate crisis.

Freshwater ecosystems are our life support systems, but they are the most threatened. The world has suffered an 83% loss in populations of freshwater species since 1970, with severe consequences for both nature and human communities. The Rivers of Food project, supported by the Pictet Group Foundation, aims to comprehensively study the connections between rivers and global food production, ensuring that decision-makers consider the value of healthy rivers in their choices. 

The research findings are expected to influence the scientific community, encourage further research on river systems use and shape global policy. It emphasises the urgent need to invest in protecting and restoring freshwater systems to feed the world’s growing population, which is estimated to reach nine billion people by 2050.

Learn more about the project

Rivers are central to feeding the world… yet protecting and restoring their health and resilience is currently not even on the agenda of discussions about global food systems.

— Stuart Orr, WWF’s Global Freshwater Lead

Restoring the health and resilience of Earth’s rivers is at the heart of WWF’s global freshwater work and the Rivers of Food research. ©Shutterstock / mtp26 / WWF

Water security and sound management of water resources

Ceres – Valuing Water Finance Initiative, Global

Ceres is a non-profit sustainability organisation working globally with businesses, investors, policymakers and regulators to find solutions for some of the planet’s greatest sustainability challenges.

The water crisis is now a pressing reality – the Water Resources Institute has warned that 56% of global water demand by 2030 is in danger of not being met, making water scarcity a global priority. 

The Pictet Group Foundation began supporting Ceres in 2021, focusing on building a business case to address water risk and guiding investors to engage with high-water footprint companies.

The result was the Valuing Water Finance Initiative, launched in August 2022. Pictet helped shape the strategy of the initiative, while Ceres experts provided benchmark analyses of companies' water stewardship and ideas for productive engagement. The goal is to foster a global culture of water stewardship in the private sector – essential for our planet's future.

Learn more about the project

Signatories to the Valuing Water Finance Initiative

Ceres needs more investors to come to the table to push companies to act on water risk.

— Kirsten James, Senior Program Director

About the Foundation

Pictet Group Foundation

Route des Acacias 60
1211 Geneva 73

The Pictet Group Foundation is a grant making foundation established by the Managing Partners of Pictet to pursue our long-term tradition of social engagement and environmental commitment.

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