Paul-Alexander de Sousa

Paul-Alexander de Sousa


Global Head of Credit
電話 +41 58 323 4047
Banque Pictet & Cie SA
Route des Acacias 60
1211 Geneva 73


關於 Paul-Alexander de Sousa

Paul-Alexander de Sousa joined Pictet Wealth Management as Global Head of Credit in December 2018.

Before joining Pictet he worked at Bank Julius Baer as a Managing Director, Senior Advisor in Credit Structuring & Capital Advisory in Zurich. Prior to that he was Senior Transactor with Citi Private Bank (Switzerland) Ltd in the Investment Finance team, where he was in charge of the Middle East, Turkey and Northern Europe for the UHNW clients and the Global Family Office of Citi Private Bank. Paul was also responsible for Private Equity Finance for Citi Private Bank and, before that, in charge of the structured lending business for the MENA region at HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA.

After his studies in Science & Business Management, Paul started his credit experience in Commodity Finance with Credit Lyonnais (Suisse) SA in 1995, followed by Structured Trade Finance specialising predominantly in soft commodities for BNP Paribas Group.

Over the years, Paul has acquired solid experience in lending and non-conventional credit, both on and off-balance sheet, namely against soft commodities, single stocks, funds and hedge funds, private equity funds, illiquid stocks, emerging market stocks and bonds.

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