An extraordinary feat under our feet

An extraordinary feat under our feet

No one could have missed the delivery of 15 massive concrete blocks, each weighing between 50 and 60 tonnes, that will form the structure running under the Route des Acacias.

This 12-metre-long passageway will allow trams, vehicles and pedestrians to cross the Drize river, an initial 450-metre stretch of which will be daylighted by late 2025. The river will flow just a few metres away from our new building, meandering past public spaces, a ‘no-car’ mobility greenway and carefully arranged areas for relaxation.

By 2035, the whole of the culverted stretch will be daylighted, tracing its original route for 2.5 km between Grange-Collomb and the river Arve. Restoration of this urban watercourse, along with the Aire, is an integral part of the last Praille-Acacias-Vernets urban regeneration project, within which our development is located.



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