Vested Benefits (2nd Pillar)
Individualised solutions to manage your vested pension benefits optimally.
Our vested pension benefits solutions (2nd Pillar)
Assets managed by our Foundation are in safe hands. Vested pension benefits accounts are held at Banque Pictet & Cie SA, with the responsibility for managing asset portfolios being entrusted to Pictet Asset Management SA. Both these companies are part of the Pictet Group which enjoys a worldwide reputation for its business performance, its integrity and the quality of its services.
Our solutions for vested pension capital give you the opportunity to choose freely how to invest your occupational pension assets in one or more portfolios.
Your investment strategy can be changed at any time depending on your goals, your personal circumstances and what is happening on financial markets. You can also, temporarily, decide not to have all or part of your capital invested.
Pictet Vested Benefits Foundation (2nd Pillar)
The Foundation was created on 1 January 1989 to offer tailored solutions to manage vested pension capital accrued under the so-called 2nd Pillar of the Swiss pension system. Through a rigorous approach to investment and professional management, and by taking advantage of all the investment possibilities allowed under Swiss law, the Foundation's aim is to increase your pension assets. The Foundation allows for overall management of all of an individual’s vested benefits capital as well as offering the following advantages: lower feesc, greater opportunity for diversification (because of larger sums available), and less overall risk as a result
Situations in which you are required to open a 2nd Pillar account:
- If you change occupational pension schemes and your vested benefits are not transferred to your new employer in their entirety
- If you stop working temporarily
- If you become self-employed
- If you get divorced or your civil partnership is dissolved
- If you are no longer legally obliged to have pension cover
- If you leave Switzerland for good
Find us
Pictet Vested Benefits Foundation (2nd Pillar)
Route des Acacias 60
1211 Genève 73
Tel. +41 58 323 29 20