Isabelle von Ribbentrop

Isabelle von Ribbentrop


Head of London Communications and Global Head of Branding, Advertising & Sponsoring, Executive Director of the Prix Pictet
Phone number
Tel. +44 20 7847 5102
Pictet Asset Management Ltd*
Moor House, Level 11
120 London Wall
London, EC2Y 5ET
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About Isabelle von Ribbentrop

Isabelle von Ribbentrop is Head of London Communications and Global Head of Branding, Advertising & Sponsoring. She began work with Corporate Communications in Pictet Frankfurt, before moving to London in 2008. Her overall responsibilities include advertising, branding and corporate identity, film and photography, events advisory and strategic philanthropy.

As Executive Director of the Prix Pictet, Isabelle has been instrumental in developing the award, which harnesses the power of photography to draw global attention to issues of sustainability and raise public awareness of the urgent need to take preventive action. Since its launch in 2008, the Prix Pictet has become one of the world's most prestigious art awards.

She holds a BA Hons in History, Politics and Philosophy from the Humboldt University, Berlin and an MA in Imperial and Commonwealth History from King's College, London.

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