Vocational training
Our vocational training programmes, which lead to the award of a Certificat fédéral de capacité (CFC) — Federal vocational education and training certificate, are an opportunity for you to train and learn a profession. They will allow you to continue your development by giving you entry to higher education.
Maturité professionnelle commerciale (MPC)
Are you in the Maturité professionnelle (MPC) stream at a business school. Do you have top school grades and a keen interest in banking? In the long term, are you thinking of going on to do higher studies (vocational training or university)? If so, the Maturité professionnelle programme is for you. Throughout the programme, you will work closely with experienced professionals, who will share their expertise with you. Very soon you will be entrusted with tasks of your own.
24 months
At Pictet's headquarters in Geneva and CYP (Challenge Your Potential)
Application dates
Applications for the programme open as of December.
Start date
Every year on 1 September
Qualifications awarded
Certificat fédéral de capacité; Maturité Professionnelle Commerciale; Banking Diploma from Swissbanking
Banking apprenticeship
Have you just completed your compulsory schooling with excellent results? Do you have good knowledge of English? And are you keen to find out more about the world of finance? If so, why not apply for a banking apprenticeship? Throughout the course, our qualified trainers will be alongside you. They will ensure their knowledge is shared with you in a manner that meets the highest standards, as well as providing you with the follow-up you need from day one. Your professional, social and personal skills will be assessed regularly to measure your progress and ensure your apprenticeship is a success.
36 months
Seven placements within our Technoloy & Operations Division, with the possibility of internships in trading and wealth management.
Who is involved?
Training provided jointly by the business school, the company and CYP (Challenge Your Potential).
Start date
Every year on 1 August
Qualification awarded
Certificat fédéral de capacité (CFC) — Federal vocational education and training certificate
Haute Ecole de Gestion (Tech&Ops Junior programme)
Have you been awarded your maturité professionnelle commerciale (MPC), and are you seeking to enter higher education while working in the banking sector? If so, the Tech&Ops Junior programme will allow you to develop the professional skills you will require to take the next step in your career.
4 years
Six rotations in different teams within Banking Operations and Asset Services
At the Haute Ecole de Gestion in Geneva; At Pictet (part-time contract 60%)
Start date
Every year on 1 September
Qualifications awarded
Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Business Administration, International Business Management or Business Information Technology
Testimonial from an apprentice
After some time spent working in social services, Sara decided to change career paths. It was her interest in understanding the economic issues that shape our world that prompted her to start a banking apprenticeship.
Q: After two years, has this apprenticeship met your expectations?
A: Yes, it's been a real opportunity. My understanding of banking and economics is much fuller now. I have a much clearer picture as well of the impact of political events – like Brexit – on stockmarkets. I gain a lot from the people I come into contact with here too. At Pictet, second-year apprentices mentor those in their first year. It creates a bond and means we can really support each other.
Q: So you made the right choice by changing career?
A: Yes, I'm really happy with my decision. I'm very well looked after. In addition to the "compulsory" training classes, there are other skills I’ve learned as well, like time management and managing priorities. The banking side is really interesting. And since arriving at Pictet, I've been able to make concrete connections with my previous work experience.
Q: Where do you see your future career?
A: At Pictet... working in operations! For the Front Office to run smoothly, processes have to be efficient. Finding ways of streamlining those processes, that’s what interests me. Ultimately we all have the same goal: client satisfaction. And to achieve that, it's essential that banking operations are error-free and handled correctly.
Q: What qualities do you need for a successful apprenticeship
- Be structured and well-organised: You need to know how to juggle your priorities between school, work at the Bank and classes.
- Curiosity: To seek to understand what you're doing and not just do things without thinking.
- Respect: The people we work with treat us as their colleagues, with respect, it's important to reciprocate.
- Patience: It might seem a long road before you get your diploma, but it's worth the effort.
Q: What tips do you have for future bank apprentices?
A: Before you do an apprenticeship, research the sector and try to meet people who work in a bank so you can see if it's really right for you. If you can do a short internship, it will give you an idea of whether you're suited to this field and work environment.