Discretionary mandate - Responsible investing (MARI)
This mandate:
- Complies with Article 8 of SFDR.1
- Invests mainly in funds classified as Art 8 or 9 under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (the “SFDR Regulation”) and in listed shares of companies that have demonstrated their ability to create value, have stable balance sheets and can therefore be considered “High Quality” companies.
- Promotes environmental or social characteristics.
- Aims to have at least 70% of investments aligned with environmental and social characteristics and at least 15% in sustainable investments.
- Integrates ESG factors in the investment process to properly assess and manage sustainability risks and good governance of investee companies and identify potential investment opportunities. ESG Factors are calculated and evaluated through proprietary and third-party research.
- Considers and, where possible, mitigates adverse impacts of its investments on society and the environment.
- Excludes2 issuers that:
– are involved with nuclear weapons from countries that are not signatories to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and other controversial weapons;
– derive a significant portion of their revenue from activities detrimental to society or the environment, such as thermal coal extraction and power generation, unconventional oil and gas exploration and production, conventional oil and gas production, nuclear power generation, conventional weapons and small arms, military contracting weapons and weapon-related products and services, tobacco production, adult entertainment production, gambling operations, genetically modified organisms development/growth, pesticides product/retail; or
– severely violate the UN Global Compact principles on human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
- Has not designated a specific ESG index as a reference benchmark.
In addition, Pictet Wealth Management with regards to this mandate:
- Exercises Voting Rights.3
- Has guidelines in place with regards to methodologies for environmental and social characteristics and data sources and processing, and to monitor compliance with binding elements of the strategy’s environmental and social characteristics.
- Has processes and governance in place to conduct quality controls on an on-going basis to detect and address issues that may affect data usage.
1 Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on Sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).
2 Please refer to our Wealth Management Responsible Investment Policy for more information about our exclusion framework.
3 Pictet Wealth Management currently votes (proxies) on behalf of investors only for a selected number of companies.
Version as of May 2023