Women in Business: How to Win at Work?

Women in Business: How to Win at Work?

Can women win at work? Transforming the way companies are run and the way people live their lives (with the correct support structures) will pave the path to success for women in business.

Celebrating pioneering female leaders, this episode features Baroness Helena Morrissey, who was CEO of Newton Investment Management for fifteen years, founder of the 30% Club, and author of the books Style and Substance and A Good Time to Be a Girl. We are also joined by Elif Aktuğ, the first female Managing Partner of Pictet and one of the founders of the Pictet Women’s Network. Elif is also Chairwoman of the Board of Pictet Alternative Advisors Holding SA.

Appearing in this episode

Baroness Helena Morrissey is known for achieving strong business results while promoting gender inclusion and diversity throughout her career. She founded the 30% Club, a campaign for more gender-balanced boards, and is Chair of the investment industry’s Diversity Project. She was CEO of Newton Investment Management for fifteen years and chaired the Investment Association from 2014 to 2017. Helena is NED and Chair-Designate at AJ Bell, which helps people invest.

Elif Aktuğ has been a Managing Partner of the Pictet Group since 2021. She is also Chairwoman of the Board of Pictet Alternative Advisors Holding SA. Before being named Managing Partner, Elif was Head of Pictet Asset Management’s Total Return Agora team and Lead Manager of the Agora strategy (catalyst-driven market neutral hedge fund). Prior to joining Pictet in 2011, she was a Managing Director with Goldman Sachs in London, having worked both in M&A advisory and proprietary trading. Elif holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a degree in Finance from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

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