Future of Food

Did you know that in the 1700s a pineapple would have cost around 8,000 of today’s USD? What are the moral implications we choose to eat, how we produce our food and how we distribute it? Can humans have a sustainable relationship with food that serves the interests of other animals and our planet?

What are the moral implications we choose to eat, how we produce our food and how we distribute it? Can humans have a sustainable relationship with food that serves the interests of other animals and our planet?

Appearing in this episode

Peter Singer is a Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and founder of the non-profit organization The Life You Can Save. His books include Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics, The Ethics of What We Eat (with Jim Mason), and The Most Good You Can Do. In 2013, he was named the world's third "most influential contemporary thinker" by the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.

Dr. Afton Halloran is an independent consultant in sustainable food systems transitions, Dr. Afton Halloran advises governmental agencies and organizations across the globe on issues of food production, diet, and policy. She also works for the Nordic Council of Ministers where she is an External Consultant to the Nordic Food Policy Lab and the New Nordic Food Programme.

Gillian Diesen joined Pictet in 2015 and is a Product Specialist in our Thematic Equities team. Prior to assuming her current role in 2018, she was an Alternative Investment Specialist with a focus on Strategy and Project Management at Pictet Alternative Advisors. Gillian holds a BA and MA in Modern History & Politics from the Queen's College, Oxford University. She also holds an MBA from IMD, Lausanne.

Rosario Lebrija Rassvetaieff is Group New Media and Sponsoring Manager at the Pictet Group, where she hosts and produces the podcasts ‘Found in Conversation’ and ‘Prix Pictet: A lens on sustainability’. Born and raised in Mexico City, she holds a combined honours BA in Literature and International Relations (First Class) from the University of Southampton and an MSc in Communication and Media Studies (Distinction) from the London School of Economics. For more information, watch her TEDx talk ’The Future of the Image: Discover the Sublime’. 

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