Finance to revive Biodiversity (FinBio) programme
Pictet Asset Management as a founding partner representing the global asset management industry in a ground-breaking biodiversity research programme.
Providing investment expertise and transdisciplinary research
Pictet Asset Management (Pictet AM) is representing the global asset management industry as an “Impact Partner” in a research programme geared to helping the financial industry develop strategies to protect natural capital and halt biodiversity loss.
The initiative, which receives approximately EUR5 million in research funding from Mistra (the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research), is overseen by the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University.
Pictet AM is the only asset management company in the Finance to revive Biodiversity (FinBio) programme, chosen for its track record in “innovative thinking” in sustainable finance. As an impact partner, Pictet AM’s role is to provide investment expertise and to contribute to transdisciplinary research that can help bring about nature-positive changes in the financial system.
It is working alongside consortium members including the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and Stanford University. More details can be found here and here.
The FinBio programme, which kicked off in late 2022, has been devised to integrate the protection and restoration of natural capital into financial and investment decision making worldwide.
Although biodiversity loss is one of the gravest environmental threats the world faces, monitoring it has proved difficult due to a lack of reliable data and measurement standards. According to the World Wildlife Fund, failure to protect natural ecosystems could wipe USD10 trillion from the global economy by the middle of this century.
Leading the FinBio research programme is SRC Professor Garry Peterson, who was a coordinating lead author for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s Scenario Assessment and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services scenarios and model assessment. He is joined by Professor Beatrice Crona, Science Director of the SRC.
This unique collaboration extends Pictet AM’s nine-year relationship with the SRC, whose Planetary Boundary Framework provides the analytical underpinning for the Pictet-Global Environmental Opportunities investment strategy, one of the largest of its kind in the world.
Biodiversity is an important issue in sustainable investment and we’re delighted to extend our relationship with the SRC and work with consortium partners to advance our collective knowledge on interactions between biodiversity and investments.
Contacts and resources
Our participation in the FinBio initiative has already produced crucial insights for investors, which can be accessed below. Please contact Pictet AM for more details.
Natsuko Waki (Global Marketing)
Steve Freedman (Thematic Equities)
Insights for investors
Pictet AM CEO Laurent Ramsey’s op-ed on biodiversity in Canadian, HK and Chinese newspapers
Nature: the economy’s most valuable assets
Why COP15 marks a turning point for environmental investing
Costing the Earth: Measuring corporations’ impact on biodiversity
Biodiversity primer: Why investors should care
On biodiversity and investors