FundPartner Solutions
FundPartner Solutions (FPS) is a management company governed by section 15 of the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 concerning undertakings for collective investment and an AIFM governed by the Law of 12 July 2013. FPS is registered with the Trade and Companies Register of the Luxembourg Court under the number B 140653 and the period of its duration is perpetual.
A one-stop shop
Pictet has created two dedicated management companies to handle all fund administration services and the creation of private label funds, thereby ensuring clearer segregation of our fund administration operations from the custody bank.
Fund administration
- To be expert in asset administration drawing on our client service, operational integrity throughout the organisation
- Quality oriented and comprehensive service offering
- Access to committed industry experts
- Support fiscal reporting, annual reports
Fund domiciliation, registration and governance
- Acting as the clients’ entrusted advisor on any fund governance related topic
- Governance support
- Tailor-made solutions
- Access to highly qualified professionals within fund industry
- Corporate Secretary services
- Fund Registration & KIID Services
Risk compliance
- Ex Post risk management
- Helping our clients having funds permanently compliant with the regulation
- Risk mitigation
- Comprehensive risk management framework
- Access to risk experts
Investment management
- Supervision Ex Ante of the investment manager via initial and annual due diligence
- Draft of Investment Objectives and Investment Policies of the fund prospectus
- Eligibility analysis of assets to the attention of asset managers
- Breach analysis and management in collaboration with the asset managers
Benefits of our management companies
- A ‘white labelling’ approach for clients with their own corporate governance
- Fully fledged fund governance services,
- Legal fund support and other ancillary services,
- Customised reporting for clients,
- Chinese walls with Pictet’s activities in asset management
- Independence between central administration and custody functions
- Pictet’s constant technological and functional developments
- Flexibility with asset type and client profile
Fund Partner Solutions (Suisse) SA
FundPartner Solutions (Europe) SA
Best execution policy pdf
Privacy notice pdf
Remuneration policy - July 2024 pdf
Complaints handling policy pdf
Voting rights policy pdf
Responsible Investing and Engagement policy (including Principal Adverse Impacts and Sustainability Risk Integration) - December 2024 pdf
Summary of Investor Rights pdf
Terms and Conditions pdf
Dealing guidelines pdf
Conflict of interests policy pdf
No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
FPSE SA does not consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors at the entity level due to the nature of its third-party management company business model (which encompass a large variety of delegated investment managers, for which the ESG consideration can significantly vary from one to another). Furthermore, the SFDR regulation provides that only financial market participants which, on their balance sheet dates, exceed the criterion of an average of 500 employees during the financial year (FPSESA is below this threshold) must publish and have on their websites a statement on their due diligence policies with respect to the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors.
Nevertheless, information on whether the adverse sustainability impacts are taken into consideration is provided at the financial product level.