Fabrice Garnier

Fabrice Garnier


Head of Investment Solutions
Phone number
Tel. +41 58 323 3945
Banque Pictet & Cie SA
Route des Acacias 60
1211 Geneva 73

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About Fabrice Garnier

Fabrice Garnier joined Pictet Wealth Management in May 2016. Before joining Pictet, he worked for 17-years for Deutsche Bank Investment Bank as a senior Equity specialist in London, Zurich and Geneva.

He joined Pictet as a senior equity advisor and lead the Global Advisory team. After having moved to the discretionary portfolio management unit where he took the global responsibility for the distribution of our multi- and single-asset managed solutions, more recently Fabrice was promoted to Head of Investment Solutions, overseeing our multi-asset and single asset-class investment offering.

Fabrice holds a Bachelor in Econometrics and a Master in Quantitative Economics from the University of Geneva. He is also a CFA, CMT and CAIA charterholder.

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