Pictet Group
Latest company news
Pictet announces full-year results for 2024
Today, the Pictet Group released unaudited figures for the full year 2024, ahead of its annual report due to be published at the end of April.
Jacques de Saussure and Sven Holstenson - A partnership built on respect, humility and putting clients first
Pictet's Laurent Ramsey: 'Be careful when making something illiquid liquid'
Marc Pictet — “Switzerland should be careful about wanting to be seen as a model student”
Laurent Ramsey — Sustainable investing opportunities transcend policy and politics
Partners in the media
Jacques de Saussure and Sven Holstenson - A partnership built on respect, humility and putting clients first
Pictet's Laurent Ramsey: 'Be careful when making something illiquid liquid'
Marc Pictet — “Switzerland should be careful about wanting to be seen as a model student”
Laurent Ramsey — Sustainable investing opportunities transcend policy and politics
Marc Pictet — Wealth managers adjusting to stabilising wealth growth in China – Pictet to invest more resources in Hong Kong.
François Pictet - A partnership system 'more enduring than marriage'
Marc Pictet - “Not all CS clients are a good fit for Pictet”
Elif Aktuğ — Diversity is improving in private assets, but not quickly enough given the growing importance of cognitive diversity to performance.
Media releases
Pictet announces full-year results for 2024
Debt dilemma: Unravelling the sustainability of US debt
Pictet raises over USD 200m for thematic private equity Technology Fund II
Pictet announces first-half 2024 figures
Pictet Alternative Advisors buys Technology Services Group
‘Storm’ is the theme of the 11th cycle of Prix Pictet
Pictet launches ELTIF focused on co-investments in environmental theme
Pictet acquires a portolio of 6 high quality reversionary logistics assets