Vaccinating the World

The Economist estimates Covid-19 has already claimed over 10 million lives and data shows we need mass vaccination in the poorest and richest of countries to avoid mutating variants. So, how can we make sure vaccines are supplied equally around the world? And what can we do to stop existing variants from taking over?

Today, Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, a young, Boston-based biotech firm that pioneered the vaccine, speaks to Pictet’s Senior Managing Partner, Renaud de Planta about the race to vaccinate the world.


Appearing in this episode

Stéphane Bancel is the CEO of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based biotech firm Moderna, known for its Covid-19 vaccine. Before joining Moderna, he served for five years as CEO of the French diagnostics company bioMérieux SA. From July 2000 to March 2006, he served in various roles at Eli Lilly and Company, including as Managing Director, Belgium and as Executive Director, Global Manufacturing Strategy and Supply Chain. Prior to Lilly, he served as Asia-Pacific Sales and Marketing Director for bioMérieux.

Renaud de Planta has been Senior Managing Partner of the Pictet Group since 1 September 2019 and a Managing Partner of the Pictet Group since joining Pictet in 1998. He oversees Group Finance, Communications, Internal Audit and Tax departments. Renaud is also Chairman of Pictet Asset Management, the Pictet Group's institutional arm, having managed the division between 1998 and 2016. Previously, Renaud spent 12 years with UBS, where he held various management positions, ending as Head of Equity Derivatives at UBS Warburg in London. Renaud holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a doctorate (PhD) in Financial Economics from the University of St. Gallen.

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